Jumat, 20 November 2009

Gadis and The Singing Three

In one town near a beach and crowded with people there is lived an orphan girl.
Her name is Gadis (Indonesian Language with mean a calling for a young girl). Her parents was died since
she was small. Since then, she lived with her aunt. Unfortunately her aunt was very poor
and had a bad temper. She always was being cruel to Gadis.

Gadis is a diligent girl, she always doing her job well. One of her job is getting water
from a well. In beach area, it is no easy to get pure water. The location of the well is very
far from her home. When she was going to get water Gadis always come by to sit
under a big tree with dense leaf. In this time she can rest for a while and hindered from
the hard sun light.

Sometimes, Gadis cried under that tree if she felt alone in this world. She doesn't know
to whom she can tell her sadness. Between her cried she always pray to the God asking
for His protection and guardian. Strangely, each time she cried the tree always spread
out her branch. The leafs wave slowly and make a beautiful sound as seem the tree was
singing. The sound made Gadis happy and amazed. The rhythm of this song
cheer up her sorrow and make her forgetting all her sadness. The song became a
lullaby. The little girl slept under the tree and the big tree lowering its branch so the
sun light could not harm her body. When she slept too long, the tree wake her up by
falling one leaf to her cheek.

Day by the day over, There was big news that the King wanted to make a new royal ship.
Many old tree being cut off, the wood is used to make that new ship. Gadis is worried,
she remember to her big old tree. She wonders is the tree has cut off too.

At the day, after she gets water, she runs to her tree. She found there was a
white cross sign at the tree which mean her lovely tree will be cut too. Gadis was so
sad, she can not say any single word. Her tear has dropped, she hugs the tree tightly.
"My beloved three, perhaps this is the last day we've ever meet. Tomorrow they will cut you
and I will loose you forever. What's making sad that I could not do anything to stop it.
God bye my beloved three", cried her

The tree is lowering its branch, it seems he want to hug that little girl too. The leafs swap her
tear softly and suddenly there was a sound. "Please don't be sad, my child. The royal
ship will not sail without your wish. You must come aboard and together with me we
will sail together ,"

At the morning the big tree was cut. After some month later the ship has done. The King
was very happy and make a big celebration. The biggest party was made for the first
time to celebrate it. However when they want to launch the ship to the water, the ship could
not move. Many people try to push the ship to the water but still the ship could not move.
The King became upset and angry.

The news about the royal ship which could not move came to Gadis ear. She remember to the
last message from her big tree. She tried hard to go to the harbor and finally she
met the King. She asked his permission to sail the ship. The King was not belief because many effort has done to make the ship move but finally
when the ship was still could not move he decided to allow her. Gadis came to the ship, with her
love she swept the steer.
"My tree please help me. Move and sail! All people want to see you sailing to the
ocean". Every people saw and waited what was going happen. The ship moved one inch to one inch and go to the ocean slowly. People who saw it yelling happily. And the man who was very happy was the King himself. He asked , "How could you make this ship sail?" "By the God bless, Your Honest. The ship was made from wood of my friend, the old big tree", answered Gadis politely. Gadis told King all her life. The heart of King was touched, because he did not have a child he

Wake up late

This day Gobi’s behaviour is very strange. He shouts noisily like a mistune trumpet. His feet kick the ground and make unhappy noise. He grasps the sand and throws it to the air. Koli , his elephant neighbour feel worry, He wonders what has going on with Gobi. Everyone knew Gobi as a friendly and cheerful elephant.

"Auw’, shouted Koli when a cup of sand came over his face. Fortunately, the sand didn’t come into his eyes. "Please stop Gobi! Why are you so angry in this early morning?"

"Morning? It has been so late to say morning" Gobi grumbled. "You are acting like Mr. Laju, He has not come yet to bath my body." "Come down, He will come soon", Koli persuaded him. "Look there is many wrinkled on my skin because the hard sunning, Usually I have take a bath in this time!".

"Come down, please don’t angry anymore Mr. Laju will come soon, trust me" said Koli. Not long, There is Mr. Laju comes in hurry. "Oho, ho, ho, I am very sorry Gobi. I woke up late in this morning, I showed wayang golek last night so I slept late. (wayang golek = a kind of traditional puppet, very familiar in West Java Province).

Gobi starred at him, he looks understand that Mr. Laju was trying to persuade him. Mr. Laju understood why Gobi acted strangely. He knew Gobi behaviour because he has take care him since Gobi arrived to that zoo. " Let’s take a bath" said Mr. Laju. Gobi followed him, however, when they came to the pool. Gobi catches around Mr. Laju hip with his trunk and brought him highly. He immersed Mr. Laju to the pool and brought him highly again. "Gleg, gleg" in this time Mr. Laju has to swallow the water pool. "Let me down Gobi" shouted Mr. Laju.

After lose his anger. Gobi free his trunk from Mr. Laju hip. "You are very naughty in this day, Gobi! And look my breathing almost broken, you must not do it again such naughty manned. " said Mr. Laju. He breathed deeply to relief his painful.

Gobi shouted again, but his shout sounds very nice as he want to say" Don’t ever try to get late again Mr. Laju".